My biggest win was the musical chests Nintendo forked over via the Streetpass group. For those that payed attention(and/or were lucky enough to get one) i unfortunately missed out on getting Ganondorf figurine bonus you could preorder for here in the USA...i just didn't do it in time. Huge loss, am i right? So this made me feel better and somewhat feel like Nintendo made it up to me(not that they owed me anything to begin with). You win some, you loose some i guess...and sometimes you break even.
As for my works in progress, i'm planning to do some tunisian crochet tutorials...specially using afghan stitch(aka simple stitch). It's the one i use the most(do i know any other? actually, i don't think so...>.>) and it translates into pixels so well. It'll be the basics and probably branch out into how to do charts and all that jazz. My example project is the mushroom. I chose to make it red, but any color would have done. Should have those up by next week i suppose.
Also, Magfest!! It's this weekend(thursday-sunday). I'm going alone(except for sat, the hubs may come with) and i don't even mind it. I'll meet up with a few friends there, but more than that i'm just excited for the experience. Should be tons of fun! :)