Sunday, January 12, 2014

Crafty Goals 2014!!

I actually have some yarny goals this year, thanks to a fellow crafter's inspiration. They're not too many and from what i see pretty attainable; i'm actually excited to start this productive year!

The easiest way i can share them with you is to make a list~ so here ya go:

-Expand and update my shops( &
-Make vid.tutorials
-Increase blogging and make it something others want to read :)
-Make 1 large project a month(anything as small as a pair of socks)
-Learn/practice making socks(lol) the more the merrier
-Make 2 sweaters by the end of the year(one for me, one for the hubs)
-Use up my yarn stash(specially on those said sweaters)
-Make 2 projects a month with a stitch i don't use much(if at all) and/or learn a new stitch.
-Get back to dying some yarn!

If you'd like the video version, feel free to watch.

I did miss one i later realized i had on my list but skipped for some reason or other. I would also like to keep my ravelry updated(which is not at the moment); that's where i get a lot of ideas/inspirations as well. You can find me there( as 'malonb'....of course lol.

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